I was inspired by
this post (over at the fabulous blog Little Green Notebook) to make my own Kraft paper botanical art. I recently purchased new pillows for my bed from the etsy shop
chic decor pillows. I wanted to use the floral design from the fabric in my wall art.

I came across
this post on Design*Sponge (another fabulous blog) that inspired me to make a stencil. First I photocopied my pillow cover, cut out the design, and then played around with it until I had a shape I liked.

Then I traced the design onto Kraft paper (four times, like in the Design*Sponge tutorial). This picture is a little difficult to see, but it's my finished tracing.

Then I took a paint brush and filled in the lines with black acrylic paint. This part took the longest amount of time, about two hours for me.

Once I was done painting I erased any stray pencil lines and put it in the frame. I used double sided tape on the mat so the art would be pressed against the glass. Here is the finished product! I couldn't wait to get it up on the wall after framing it, so I apologize for the glare from the glass doors. I like how the paint made the Kraft paper ripple and look aged.

Just for fun, here is the new art in our master bedroom. You can see that it is part of a larger gallery wall with some family photos.

The best part about this project was that it cost me absolutely nothing. The frame was a gift from long ago, the Kraft paper was from my Christmas stash, and the black acrylic paint was left over from painting silhouettes of our baby for the grandparents. I'm so pleased with the final product.